Good-bye 2012

1. Forever rival : Samsung VS Apple
A picture taken on October 12, 2011, shows a Samsung phone, right, and an Iphone 4.

 Samsung and Apple's patent dispute will continue for a long time. In August, As Samsung was defeated in federal court in San Jose, they was sentenced to reward Apple more than 1 billion $. but Samsung didn't agree that judgment, so they prepare new trial. Indeed, I wonder which company will win this game because both company have many competent legal teams. I think this battle is associated  with each nation. After I read this case, my hear glows with partriotism. I really hope Samsung could win this battle.
2. First female president

  Park Geun-hye in the presidential candidate was elected 18th president in korea. She is not only Korea's first female president, but first woman president of  Northeast Asia. Her father of former President Park Chung Hee and her mother were assassinated. Despite many tragedy, she stood up and eventually the winner was. In korea cases, many lines of presidents were blamed by citizen. so I hope that korea can be the world's best country to live in her term. Especially job crunch that i worried about could be disappear.

3. Global-star PSY

 PSY has broken the Guinness World Record with his smash hit “Gangnam Style.” Guinness World Records has named his music video the most “liked” in history, earning over 1.1 billions “likes” on YouTube. Recently, Korea was in an economic recession. but many citizens pluck up their courage. I think Every society needs heroes, and every society has them. PSY is our hero in 2012. So I'm very thanks for his moral support.

4. We took the bronze medal in Olympic. But.........

 Korea defeated Japan 2-0 to take the bronze medal, its first-ever Olympic football medal. But Park Jong-woo was barred from the medal ceremony after celebrating by lifting a sign that read "Dokdo is Our Territory."This ceremony was very dangerous action because Japan pay attention to "Dokdo". But I think Park Jong-woo is eligible for military exemption despite not having collected his bronze medal from the London Olympics. I personally think he is a courageous and an admirable player. because all of our citizen wanted to talk this sign for Japan.

5. Conneticut Elementary School Shooting.

There was tragic accident in Connecticut, US elementary school. Gunman Adam Lenza killed 20 children and six adults including mom before killing himself. According to the article Adam Lenza had Asperger syndrome, personality disorder plus he used to be a loner. After reading this article I felt sorry for all the victims and people who are related to this accident also the gunman too. Because the society didn’t help Lenza to adjust and shut their mind to him cause this tragedy. These days, these kinds of similar accidents happen a lot. I hope government contributes more money to set the systems to help people those who cannot adjust in this society.

6. North Korea's satellite successfully entered orbit.

North Korea's long-range rochet launch was a success. North Korea has claimed that it has the right to peaceful use of outer space and the rocket launch was aimed at sending off a scientific satellite. Rochet tests are seen as a cover for a test of technology for missiles that could be used to strike the United States. When this Rochet launched, it remind me of my military days. because my military was in Yun-pyung island which is close to North Korea. At that time, I always thought that "I want to unification " seeing North Korea. without this threat, I hope for relieve tension on the Korean Peninsula.

7. Obama won the election.

First African American US president Barack Obama is entering the oval office again for four more years. The results of the vote count with Obama and Romney were neck and neck. After the election, Romney conceded his defeat he offered Obama a classy tribute and wish their teams and family well by phoning Obama. I felt a shiver when I heard Obama won the election again, because he was first black men who seize the power of States and I’ve also haven’t imagined he would won the election again.
 I was one of the big fans of Obama because in my perspective, he is trying to maintain peace in the world. For example, former president Bush was aggressive to North Korea and keep stimulate them, but Obama is trying t encompass them and negotiate with them smoothly, Therefore, I believe he will go great this term too.

8. Most grossing game in 2012; Anipang.

 you can play Anipang via Kakaotalk. The unique feature Anipang has is that there is 60seconds time limitation and also able to compete with others in your friend’s list in Kakaotalk. I was kind of addicted to Anipang because it’s simple, easy to play and stimulate me to keep compete with my friends.  I hope the similar games like Anipang which anyone can play updates more and more. Plus, because I thought it is bit hard for small businessess to develop in Korea society, but the Kakaotalk corporation 's rate of growth was so fast that really surprised me.

9. Unemployed population nears 4 million.

 As economy recession, it is getting hard to find a job more and more. The number of job seeker was reached 4 million. companies are also reducing the number of recruiting workers. Companies and Government have to invest to increase the size of employment. I will put myself on the job market this year. I am also afraid of becoming a jobless person. I hope new president Park Geun Hae could add more job positions for people, so there will be a sign of let-up in the recession.
10. Park Chan-ho called it quit.
  Park Chan-ho, the first South Korean to play in MLB, announced his retirement. It’s been a long and ride, spanning 19 years and three countries. He joined baseball in 1994, playing 17 years in the U.S. Major League Baseball, and one year each in Japan and South Korea. And he recored 124 wins in MLB, more than any other Asian pitchers. Park Chan-ho was our hero When our nation was IMF in 1998. Then He helped South Korea could win the gold medal at Asian Games in bangkok. But I was very young, I can remember that many citizens passionately cheered him forgetting their difficulty. As I am a baseball mania, I hope that other players also make name in the world like Park Chan-ho.

11. Hyundai-Kia stand shoulder to shoulder with the world's greatest corporations.

Hyundai Group was selected 4th best company in 2012 auto market. one stage was raised compared with last year and surpassing Nissan Group. Hyundai said they sold over the 4.4million cars , ans increase of 8.6% compared to the same priod last year, in both domestic and overseas markets. I heard some joke that " Hyundai and Samsung feed almost half of the nation". Like this, Hyundai is the best company in Korea. Actually many job seekers, like me, want to go Hyundai. Because they give high salery to workers and also have high fame in the world. Anyway, I am proud that Hyundai car could see all over the world. Years later I hope Hyundai could be the best world enterprise.

12. Kim K-duk won the top prize at the Venice.

Kim Ki-duk becomes 1st Korean director to win top film prize at Venice. Venice is considered one of the three most prestigious European film festivals. No Korean director has ever won a top prize from any of the three until now. Pieta's content is a gruesome morality tale about a cruel debt collector running into a woman who claims to be his long-lost mother. I think Korea’s film industry has been changing very commercial. His movie is very cruel and not interesting. but these movies have meaningful contents speaking for the outcasts of society, women, man... I recall when I was reflect on my self that I've done.

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